



101 M. H. Shen*, S. N. Chen and C. P. Lin, 2012 “The interaction between a screw dislocation and a piezoelectric fiber composite with a wedge crack” Archive of Applied Mechanics. Vol. 82, pp. 215-227. ( SCI),(SCI,SSCI)
101M. H. Shen, S. N. Chen and C. P. Lin,A piezoelectric screw dislocation interacting with a half-plane trimaterial composite,Meccanica,47,pp1923-1933 (SCI)
99M. H. Shen, F. M. Chen, S. Y. Hung and S. N. Chen,Magnetoelectroelastic interaction between a generalized screw dislocation and multiple circular inclusions,Journal of Mechanics,26,309~316,(SCI)
98M. H. Shen, F. M. Chen, S. N. Chen, and S. Y. Hung, 2009, “Piezoelectric study for a coated hole of quasi-polygonal shape in an infinite plate”, International Journal of Engineering Science. Vol. 47, pp. 475-486. ( SCI),(SCI)
96M. H. Shen, F. M. Chen and S. N. Chen, 2007 “Piezoelectric study on singularities interacting with interfaces in an anisotropic media” International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol.44,pp5598-5610. (SCI)
96S. Y. Hung, S. N. Chen, C. P. Lin and H. Yang, 2007 “The robust design for gapless microlens array fabrication using the incomplete developing and thermal reflow process,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 49 No.1, pp 23-29. (SCI)
95F. M. Chen, M. H. Shen and S. N. Chen, 2006 “An exact thermopiezoelasticity solution for a three-phase composite cylinder” International Journal of Engineering Science. Vol.44, pp 1482-1497. (SCI)
95M. H. Shen, S. N. Chen and F. M. Chen, 2006 “A piezoelectric screw dislocation interacting with a nonuniformly coated circular inclusion” International Journal of Engineering Science. Vol.44, pp 1-13. (SCI)
95M. H. Shen, S. N. Chen, and F. M. Chen, 2006 “Antiplane study on confocally elliptical inhomogeneity problem using an alternating technique” Archive of Applied Mechanics. Vol.75, pp 302-314. (SCI)
95 F. M. Chen, M. H. Shen and S. N. Chen, 2006 “Piezoelastic study on singularities interacting with circular and straight interfaces” International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol.43, pp 5541-5554. (SCI)
95 M. H. Shen, F. M. Chen and S. N. Chen, 2006 “Piezoelectric study on circularly cylindrical layered media” International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol.43,pp 2336-2350. (SCI)
95M. H. Shen, S. N. Chen and F. M. Chen, 2006 “Anti-plane piezoelastic study on plane layered media” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. Vol.48, pp 630-637. (SCI)
95Chen, S. N., Wang, G. J. and M. C. Chien, 2006 “ Analytical modeling of piezoelectric vibration-induced micro power generator ” Mechatronics , Vol.16,pp 379-387. (SCI)
95 S. N. Chen, M. H. Shen and F. M. Chen, 2005 “Piezoelectric Study on Elliptic Inhomogeneity Problem Using Alternating Technique” Journal of Elasticity. Vol. 81, pp 91-105. (SCI)
103陳世濃1、陳兪辰2、李易書3、柯鴻禧4,2014,不同圖案化藍寶石基板幾何外型對發光二極體發光效率之影響,2014 工程與電資科技應用學術論文發表研討會,台灣, 中壢,2014/12/18 ,(其他)
103陳世濃1、陳兪辰2、孫乙能3、柯鴻禧4*,2014,金屬氧化物薄膜沉積於玻璃上對眩光隔離之設計與研究,2014 工程與電資科技應用學術論文發表研討會,台灣, 中壢,2014/12/18 (其他)
101蔡進和, 陳世濃,汽車增效裝置模具設計製造暨效率與廢氣分析,中華民國第十七屆車輛工程學術研討會,2012-11-00,2012-11-00
101柯建宇,洪仕育,林哲平, 沈明河, 陳世濃, 2012 ” 輪椅電動拖曳機的設計與改良”, 中華民國第十七屆車輛工程學術研討會, 論文編號: A-003
101王碩廷,沈明河,洪仕育, 陳世濃,林哲平, 2012 ”負載面自動平衡自走車開發之探討”, 中華民國第十七屆車輛工程學術研討會, 論文編號: B-001
101M. H. Lin, S. N. Chen, 2012 “Wheelchair automatic safety device” 2012 International Conference on Gerontic Technology and Service Management May 15-16, Nantou, Taiwan.
100陳世濃, 連朕劼, 柯凱琦, 洪仕育, 李怡欣, 2011, “點滴自動警示系統,” 中國機械工程學會第二十八屆全國學術研討會, 台中, 民國一百年十二月
100沈明河, 柯凱琦, 陳世濃2011, “遠端監控智慧型藥盒”,中國機械工程學會第二十八屆全國學術研討會, 論文編號: E07-003
98M. H. Shen, S. Y. Hung, F. M. Chen, S. N. Chen,, 2009, “Numerical Solutions for Anisotropic Heat Conduction Problems in a Trimaterial with Heat Sources,” The 16th National Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, July 30- August 1, Yilan, Taiwan, I02, pp.1-6.
97洪仕育, 洪建欣, 沈明河 , 陳世濃, 陳富謀, 2008, “電動代步車底盤結構破壞分析與改善” , 中國機械工程學會第二十五屆全國學術研討會, 論文編號: E08-04
97Chi-Tsung Huang Chih Ping Hung, Chia-An Wang, Meng-Yin Chen, and Shih-Nung Chen, and Hong-Hsi Ko1, 2008, “Analysis of Both Distribution Profile and Electrical Characteristics on the Process of Zirconium Oxide by Thermal Oxidation Method,” 第六屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會/半導體材料組, Taiwan, pp187-192
96S. Y. Hung, M. H. Shen, and S. N. Chen, F. M. Chen, 2007, “Study on fracture analysis and improvement for rapid thermal processing oven with upward-axial gas flow cooling,” The 14th National Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, August, 16-18, Nantou, Taiwan, pp1-6
96C. P. Lin, S. Y. Hung and S. N. Chen, 2007, “Thermal stress analysis for rapid thermal processes with upward-axial gas flow cooling,” 7th International congress on Thermal Stresses, June 4-7, Taipei, Taiwan, pp373-376
96 F. M. Chen, M. H. Shen and S. N. Chen, 2007, “thermopiezoelasticity study on a three-phase composite cylinder,” 7th International congress on Thermal Stresses, June 4-7, Taipei, Taiwan,
96 C. L. Juoi, S. Y. Hung, M. H. Shen, S. N. Chen, C. P. Lin, 2007, “Development of an integral system for home robots using the machine vision technique,” Conference on Gerontic Technology and Service Management, March 26-27, Nantou, Taiwan, P.51-P.56